
Why is dribbling so FUN? Improve Quickly

Tactical Series for the Player

I refuse to slow down with our player assessments. The more of these you read, the better you will get. It’s time to take an honest look in the mirror at your game and see where you stand in all areas. Why is dribbling so fun?

We march on with one of the most important skills in the game.

Tactical Series will present you with a question (20 total) and you have to honestly grade yourself 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest). Check back daily to see your past and next assessment question.


Help from the sideline: How well do you dribble the ball when opponents are around you? How quickly can you dribble the ball and keep it close to your feet?

Look at the gif above and ignore the unreal skill move and focus on the two little touches right before. The second touch IS the move. All set up by the first dribble. Is it close? Yep. Is it quick? Yep.

Back in 2016, I watched the Ivorian National Team practice and for about 45 minutes they lined up in two lines like they were 6 years old and dribbled in a straight line and left it for the next player to do the same thing back. 45 MINUTES.

Why dribbling is important

Dribbling the ball sometimes can seem like a lost art with so much emphasis on passing. It only takes a coach about 30 seconds to see if a player can dribble a ball at a high level *coughs college scouts*. You’ll stand out right away and someone will want to see more of that.

Dribbling has to be emphasized at the very youngest of ages. It needs to become second nature that you’re comfortable with the ball at your feet. The best of the best can dribble faster than an opponent chasing you down. This makes you a real threat.

When you’re surrounded by multiple opponents, can you dribble out of it quickly with the ball close to you?

This really sums up why dribbling is so fun.

Simple exercise

If you have 45 minutes free, no matter how old you are, get outside and practice your dribbling. It’s such a simple exercise that will boost your touch and feel on the ball. Do what the Ivorians do and dribble back and forth. You can change it up and start dribbling around things. Literally, it can be anything.

Dribbling Action:

Comment below or on our squad’s twitter page @soccerwithcoach with where you think you stand on dribbling. Remember, 1 is the lowest score and 10 is the highest score.