Thought of the Day
If US Soccer had four National Teams based on regions around the country, what region would be the best in a four team round robin tournament? Each youth boys and girls national team age groups except the senior men and women level apply.
Mental Health Resources
Know Your Worth Counseling – Link
If anyone is looking for a licensed professional counselor to help in areas like anxiety, depression, self esteem, grief/trauma, PTSD, life adjustments, faith based counseling, personal development, regulating emotions, or mental health overall, we’d love to support. We are in-network with a handful of insurance companies and can see adults and adolescents 12 and older from anywhere in TEXAS.
Phone #: 817-668-0513
FREE Player Evaluation Form
FTLOS wants to get the best out of every player. That’s just what we do here. What other site provides such services & content like us? This evaluation form can be filled out by a coach for his/her player. Parents can get a good idea of what coaches look for. Go ahead and claim your FREE Evaluation Form below!
World’s Best Clubs Behind the Scenes All Access
The access we have to the world’s biggest clubs is priceless. It’s great that teams let the fans go behind the scenes so much to show that the players are, at times, regular people! We’ve had some of the world’s biggest club travel to the USA for their preseason and cameras were in tow. Check out the awesome content!
Gulf States Showcase
How many players want to play in college? Players need to get in front of coaches. It’s very much a numbers game. The more coaches you play in front of the better chance one of them will identify you as a player they need for their program. FTLOS recommends the Gulf States Showcase in Foley, Alabama in December. Did we mention you’ll be playing on the nicest fields in America?
Gulf States Showcase
Foley, AL
World Cup Stadiums – Pictures & Fun Facts
FTLOS went down a World Cup 2022 Qatar rabbit hole and previewed all eight stadiums that will be used at this November’s World Cup. All of the stadiums are new and they are absolutely stunning. One stadium is made out of shipping containers? Yeah, that’s right.

Previewing All Eight 2022 World Cup Stadiums
Labor Day Cup
We’re getting ready to get into tournament season and FTLOS has approved the LABOR DAY CUP by the outstanding tournament hosts Tiger Tournaments. The Labor Day Cup is a qualifier for the Elite Cup that will be held in Round Rock, TX in 2023. The tournament is open to all youth clubs! Who wouldn’t want to spend a weekend in San Antonio with some evening soda’s on the River Walk?
Labor Day Cup
San Antonio, TX
Bay Area Tune Up
The Fall season is going to be here before you know it. You know what that means. That’s right, pre-season tournaments. FTLOS encourages the Houston area teams to sign up and play a weekend of games. Learn more about the Bay Area Tune Up Tournament.