NEW: Tournament Headquarters


Here at, we’ll present you an updated list of all the tournaments in your local market. This is our all NEW one stop tournament shop.

I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent scouring the internet for soccer tournaments to register my team. I would constantly be switching from one website to another trying to find the right one. Tournament information is scattered all over the place. We’ll clean that up for you and make this a must visit during the season.

Details & Deadlines

Knowing more about the tournament you’re signing up for is important.

  • Who is hosting the tournament?
  • What are the dates?
  • Where is it being played (some at multiple locations)
  • When is early registration and the deadline?
  • What if I have multiple teams?
  • What’s the cancellation policy in the event of poor weather?

This all has to be factored in when selecting a tournament among other things.

Advertise on One Stop Tournament Shop

Have a tournament you want to advertise for 30 days? Team managers are constantly on the internet looking for the next weekend to book. Contact us to make that happen.