Is your kid playing soccer? Answer these important questions

Listen, I don’t know your kid. What I do know is that you, your kids coach, or heck even your kid should be answering these important questions honestly. I’ve been around the block to know a lot of parents have their blinders on regarding their kids ability. So, let’s hash it out right here right now.


How well do you control the ball and use the space around you with your first touch?


How well do you get back and recover? How well do you tackle? Do you anticipate what the attackers are trying to do?


Are you prepared to try and go past your direct opponent? Can you fake them out with a move or turn?


How well do you move the ball when opponents are close to you? How quickly can you dribble the ball and keep it close to your feet?


How well can you strike the ball? How often do you shoot the ball into the area you aimed for? How powerful is your shot?


How well can you pass the ball over short or long distance? Are you able to pass with speed and accuracy?


How well do you head the ball in opposed situations? How well do you make contact with the ball? Do you enjoy heading the ball?


How quick do you move around the pitch? Do you often find yourself winning races to the ball?


When you have the ball does your opponent find it hard to knock you off the ball?


Can you hold opponents off the ball? Can you prevent opponents from turning around you when they have the ball?


How well can you play with the ball in tight areas on the field? Can you move your feet quickly over short distances?


Do you find it easy to pass the ball through a group of defenders into space?


Do you train and play with the attitude that it will go well for you?


When you have possession of the ball are you able to relax and think before your next action?


When it’s not going your way in training or during a game are you able to remain positive?


How often do you try to regain the ball even when it has gone past you? Are you able to keep trying to master a new skill when you have failed many times before?


Do you play with freedom and know that you can give a performance on demand?


Do you practice outside of training sessions? Do you look for ways to improve yourself as a player?


Do you look forward to playing?


Do you enjoy playing soccer?