I want to talk about mental health. We all deal with and manage stress differently. Mental health is so important for our children to stay at the top of his/her game. Let’s be honest, children have a lot on their plate nowadays. What’s holding our kids back from seeking out a conversation with a mental health professional revolving around their mental and emotional well-being?
I’ve reflected on my experiences as an athlete
Looking back I should have invested more time in taking care of my mental health. Here’s what stood out throughout my high school and college years.
- Perfectionism that caused a lot of anxiety unseen.
- Struggled coping internally after losing a game.
- Getting along with a teammate that took playing time away from me.
- Having a test or project due at the same time as a big game.
- Communicating with an older player three or more years older than me on and off the field.
My mental health was and is probably totally different than someone else’s, but maybe not.
How can we encourage our kids to speak up?
What is holding them back?
I am asking these questions because I should have spoken up when I was playing and never got those answers. I want to talk about mental health more until we get some of those answers not just for me, but for you.