
Clues your child found the right team

You can call this part three of our best tips to join a new team. In this post we’ll look at a few clues your child has found the right team.

So, you’ve done your research for a new team and found a potential good fit. You’ve been invited to bring your son/daughter to the next practice. You’re probably sticking around while your child practices for the first time so keep an eye on these clues.

Remember to talk to the coach after practice OR schedule a follow up conversation to get feedback.

Clues your child has found the right team:

They had fun – It’s a little uncomfortable stepping into a new environment. When practice ends and your child immediately says they had fun, that’s a good sign. Soccer is supposed to be fun.

Actively engaged – Look for your kid to be practicing with others and listening to the coach while receiving instructions. Parents and coaches love that!

They ask to go again – This is a good one. When your little one asks you “When is the next practice?” that should make you smile. This means they were engaged, stimulated, and wanting to learn. Practices SHOULD be fun.

Enjoying others company – Every team gets drink breaks. Keep an eye on where your child is when its break time. When he/she is sitting next to the other kids talking and listening it’s a clear sign they have some commonalities.

Tired afterward practice – Practices are supposed to be hard so games are easy. Make sure your child is joining a team that’s trying to get better week in and week out. From my experience, young kids thrive off being forced to work hard. They need it.

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