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Here are your massive World Cup matches

The match & venue schedule for the 2026 World Cup was just announced (minus the teams) & here are the MASSIVE matches you need to know about. 78 of the 104 World Cup matches will be played inside the United…

Midland Gears Up for the 40th Annual Turkey Shootout

Midland, TX: Right after the kiddos knock on every door in their neighborhood on Halloween, they need to quickly pivot to the 40th Annual Turkey Shootout hosted by Midland Soccer Association. The Midland Soccer Association is celebrating the 40th year…

San Antonio Preps for Copa Alamo Classico

San Antonio, TX – As we prep to celebrate Thanksgiving and eat ourselves into a coma, San Antonio SC is gearing up for their annual Copa Alamo Classico November 18-19, 2023. We are excited to announce the upcoming Copa Alamo…