8 life events that led ME to play D1 soccer

We all have key life events that guide us to where we are today. Here's mine. What are yours?

I was rewinding my soccer career one night. I thought of 8 life events that led me to play D1 soccer.

Playing D1 soccer is not the end all be all by any stretch, but it was for me.

What are your soccer life events? What shaped you as a soccer player?

Started rec at U6

This one was easy. It’s the time my parents tossed me into rec soccer for the first time. I BARELY remember my first season, but I do have some memories of the fields I played on.

Went to a World Cup game when I was 10

The 1994 World Cup in the US. USA vs Switzerland. Detroit, MI. Our family huddled around the phone at the kitchen table for over 2 hours trying to get through to the ticket office. I’ve never seen so much red, white, and blue all under one roof to this day.

Joined a “club” at U12

I decided to up my game and jump to the club scene. It was lower level club, but hey you have to start somewhere. It gave me a taste of multiple practices a week and a few road trips throughout the year.

Goal in my back yard

My parents built a PVC goal for the back yard. The PVC broke within a week so they upped their game and went to metal. I can’t count the number of hours I spent, a lot of times by myself, outside playing in sun, rain and snow.

Summer Tourney’s We Love

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Neighbor with four boys

New neighbors moved in next door and there were four boys. One was a year older, one was my age, and the other two were two and four years younger. They all played soccer. That goal in my backyard was used heavily. We’d play 1v1, 2v2, PK shootouts, free kick competitions, you name it.

Birthday parties at college soccer games

My birthday is in the fall and we had a motorhome. So, I’d invite all my friends and my parents would drive us all down to the University to celebrate my birthday at the game. We’d always stay after to try and get autographs.

Ball boy for five years for my brother’s high school team

Being the youngest of three, I was always tagging along. What better way to keep me busy during my brother’s soccer games than to be a ball boy! He played five years of varsity so I have the most all time ball boy appearances in our school’s history.

Attended brother’s college soccer games when they were within driving distance

My brother was playing high level college soccer when I was playing high level club soccer. Watching his games made me want to do what he was doing. I stayed focused and worked hard to do the same.